
Cactus Maastricht



What is Spikeball or Roundnet you may ask – its a fun, easy to learn 4 people volleyball-like ballgame and a recent sport in expansion. It is the most popular in the United States but starts rising in Europe as well. Roundnet has a very active community, more and more teams are created in Europe. The players have at heart to make the sport more known and always welcome warmly beginners. Notably our neighbors Belgium and Germany are very active in the sport. 

About us

Cactus Maastricht is the new Sports Association connecting everyone who is excited about Spikeball/Roundnet. We host weekly training sessions every Monday & Thursday from 19:00 until 21:00. During winter, our sessions take place on Wednesday 19.30 to 21:30 and Sunday 14:00 to 16:00 indoors. Besides the training we’re also up for a game, anytime outside the training sessions. 

Becoming a member

Cactus Maastricht aims at promoting Roundnet by being the first Student Spikeball Association in the Netherlands. We always welcome new members to join us. You can try out a few trainings and decide for yourself if you want to be part of Cactus. Just send us a message or visit one of our training sessions.

The membership for our association costs €30 for a whole year. Make sure that you have the UM Sports “Sports” membership before signing up to our association. 

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